I’ve decided not to figure out an image for this post and see if that helps get it together faster. I’m not happy with how the images I have on previous posts work with the latest layouts so I’m considering dropping them all together. I do think I could pull original sources and have the look less terrible.
Recent changes on the site have been focusing on un-bootstrapping the site. This is an excuse in part to experiment with flex box and modern CSS in general. I do not have any projects outside of this site that can scratch that itch. So I figured I would expriment with the site at first and then branch into other things.
I’ve been reading lots of blogs about things to add to personal sites. So I am making a list and will be making chainges and posting more often (he says again).
I’m happy with how much simple the site is now. Not having to provide all of bootstrap has significantly reduced the payload for a first draw.The site does not need a bunch of fancy buttons or styling so the critical css file is small. Frankly, it could be smaller still but I’m not great at css let alone optimizing css.
There was a version of the site that included cards for the blog posts including gradient borders with rounded corners but I decided to scale that way back. I’m not sure about the dashed lines but they work for the moment. I miss cleaner sites so I have been looking at simpler sites for inspiration. There are some fun ideas out there that I plan to incorporate to the site or just as a prompt.
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